Hello all! I'm beyond excited to share with you the awesome cover for BETTER OFF FRIENDS* (coming February 25, 2014 - mark your calendars!).

Better Off Friends front

AND! Here's the description of the book (from Point/Scholastic):

For Macallan and Levi, it was friends at first sight. Everyone says guys and girls can't be just friends, but these two are. They hang out after school, share tons of inside jokes, their families are super close, and Levi even starts dating one of Macallan's friends. They are platonic and happy that way.

Eventually they realize they're best friends -- which wouldn't be so bad if they didn't keep getting in each other's way. Guys won't ask Macallan out because they think she's with Levi, and Levi spends too much time joking around with Macallan, and maybe not enough time with his date. They can't help but wonder . . . are they more than friends or are they better off without making it even more complicated?

From romantic comedy superstar Elizabeth Eulberg comes a fresh, fun examination of a question for the ages: Can guys and girls ever really be just friends? Or are they always one fight away from not speaking again -- and one kiss away from true love?

I CANNOT wait for this book to be out. While I'm proud of all my books, I'm especially proud of this one. My editor thinks it's my best yet, and I kinda trust his opinion, being David Levithan and all... 

And to my lovely foreign language readers, I'm happy to report that I've already signed contracts for BETTER OFF FRIENDS to come out in GERMAN and SPANISH, with hopefully more languages to follow. While I don't have any information on when the book will be out in Germany, Spain, and Latin America, I promise to share when I do!

Oh, and I am going to require you all to now only refer to me as "romantic comedy superstar Elizabeth Eulberg" - Scholastic has declared it and it shall be so. Just like Sir Paul McCartney or Dame Helen Mirren. KIDDING!

I hope everybody enjoys the last dwindling days of summer (for those who haven't gone back to school yet). I'm sending you all lots of love. Can it be February 25th already?

XOXO, Elizabeth

*I updated this post to show the new, final cover - hope you love it!

My 2013 reads so far!

Hello everybody! My apologies for being MIA on my blog. That usually means that I'm busy traveling or writing. I hope people will be happy to learn that it's the latter. I've been busy working on two different books (that's in addition to Better Off Friends which is coming in March 2014). One of the books is something that I've been wanting to write for a long time, so I'm doing that during my "free time" and not sure what will come of it. The other book is one that I'm pretty much bursting at the seams to tell you all about, but unfortunately I have to wait on that... 

I've also been busy reading some great books. As those of you who follow my blog may remember, I did a reading challenge last year. I didn't make a resolution to read fifty books again, but did decide to keep track just for fun. 

I did want to single out a few books. There are two books on writing that I read to help me with the one project that's very different from what I've done in the past: See Jane Write and Save the Cat. I've never read any "craft" books before and both were extraordinarily helpful. Save the Cat basically changed how I approached this one story. There's a "beat sheet" used in the book and I used that to replot the book and it helped make it so much better (I hope!). I highly recommend it to anybody out there who is stuck plot-wise or just needs to re-focus.

Also, there are two books on this list that haven't come out yet. Two Boys Kissing, by my dear friend and editor David Levithan, is just as inspiring and beautiful as you'd expect his books to be. And readers with a good eye will see why I FREAKED OUT in public while reading this one scene. That's all I'll say, for now. The other book is by debut author Emery Lord, Open Road Summer. I was asked to read this for a possible blurb, and I absolutely loved it and was honored to do so. Put this author and book on your radar now!

So below are the twenty books that I've read so far. I'm actually not that far away from where I was last year so I might just make it to fifty yet. Who knows! Crazier things have happened, like me trying to write two books at once!

  1. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl*
  2. Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
  3. Gorgeous by Paul Rudnick
  4. The Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson
  5. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare*
  6. Just One Day by Gayle Foreman
  7. Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers by Dav Piley
  8. Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys
  9. All You Never Wanted by Adele Griffin
  10. See Jane Write: A Girl's Guide to Writing Chick Lit by Sarah Mlynowski and Farrin Jacobs
  11. Save the Cat by Blake Snyder
  12. Invisibility by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan
  13. Bond Girl by Erin Duffy
  14. Legend by Marie Lu*
  15. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg
  16. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
  17. Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
  18. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by EL Konigsburg*
  19. Open Road Summer by Emery Lord (coming April 15, 2014)
  20. Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan (coming August 27, 2013)

 *denotes book club book

I'm currently reading Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walters, then I have to debate between my insanely huge to-read pile. What's on your to-read list?

XOXO, Elizabeth

Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality e-cards!

Hello readers! I hope your spring is starting off on a shiny new track. I've been a bit under the weather since I got back from my vacation in Paris and London, but hey, I got to go to Paris and London so no complaints here!

As you may have seen on Twitter and Facebook, my publisher did these fabulous e-cards for Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality. I thought I'd put them all up in one place for you to see (and share - feel free to copy and put up wherever!). 



Pretty Girls

Dating Guide

(I wouldn't mind if there was a guide for Clueless Adult Girls!)

And my personal favorite (and my favorite chapter header):


Oh how much I laughed when I came up with that one. I crack myself up sometimes!

That's it for now! Hope you enjoy the e-cards (and the book!). 

XOXO, Elizabeth

The EPIC Great Personality post!

When I sat down to write Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality, I wanted to "take back" the "great personality" label. While on the surface it's a compliment, it has gotten a reputation of being code for a girl who is "fat and ugly," because if the first thing you mention about someone is how great their personality is, they can't possibly be beautiful (so NOT true!). I want people (young girls especially) to be proud to have a great personality! There are so many times when we don't feel enough: pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough, etc. But you ARE enough. 

So  This is Teen, Girl's Life, and I declared today Great Personality Day! We went to Twitter to talk about having a great personality, and I even asked some of my author friends to lend a hand. The response was INCREDIBLE! I got a little teary (okay, I sobbed) by how much awesome there was out there for girls with great personalities. Below is a sample of some of the great tweets from the day. This girl who has been labeled as having a great personality is so honored to be in such GREAT company! 

Words of wisdoms from fabulous author friends:

"A #GreatPersonality can come right over here and sit down next to me, any time." - Terra Elan McVoy

"I don't need heels. My #GreatPersonality elevates me perfectly well." - Marie Rutkoski

"Having a great personality means never EVER apologizing for being the incredible person you truly are." - Jen Calonita

"Having a #GreatPersonality means never pretending to be something you’re not. Cthulhu has a #GreatPersonality." - Michael Northrop

"It's harder to maintain a #GreatPersonality than a 6 pack. That's my excuse." - John Corey Whaley

"Good looks sometimes get you in the door, but a #GreatPersonality means you're always welcome to stay!" - Melissa Walker

"#GreatPersonality tip: Always have chocolate in the house, in case a friend in need stops by." - Aimee Friedman

"A #GreatPersonality can talk about more than one thing. And, is often also a really good listener." - Terra Elan McVoy

"If I had a color for every guy who says he cares more about a #GreatPersonality than anything, I would have a rainbow." - Lindsey Leavitt

"A #GreatPersonality = how discretely you tell your friend if there's lettuce in her teeth or toilet paper stuck to her shoe." - Adele Griffin

"A #GreatPersonality doesn't require creams or tucks to maintain a beautifully long shelf life. My grandma was proof of that!" - Lindsey Leavitt 

"A #GreatPersonality = being fun, interesting, and authentic." - Marissa Meyer

"Having a #GreatPersonality means being who you are no matter what others say. Work it. Own it. Let your freak flag flap in the breeze." - Susane Colasanti

"A #GreatPersonality will never develop spontaneous cellulite." - Ally Carter

"With #GreatPersonality comes great responsibility." - Stephanie Perkins

"A #GreatPersonality is on hand with chocolate, wine, hugs, a shoulder, and/or cheesy movies. They always know which one(s) you need." - Victoria Schwab

"A #GreatPersonality is both more important and more affordable than a Keratin treatment or gel nails." - Tonya Hurley

"A #GreatPersonality only gets better with age." - Abby McDonald

"A trademark of a #GreatPersonality is to not engage The Crazy. Or to be The Crazy." - Myra McEntire

"A #GreatPersonality does not require expensive eye cream." - Jennifer Jabaley

"A #GreatPersonality is why a boy wants to stay on the phone with you alllllllllll night long." - Siobhan Vivian

"You know you've got a #GreatPersonality when you go under-appreciated in high school." - Jackson Pearce

"A #GreatPersonality does not get frizzy.... EVER." - Lynn Weingarten

"Let your #GreatPersonality shine! The world is often a dark place and needs the light of great people!" - Lisa Schroeder 

"Have the courage to be yourself. No one else will ever be able to pull it off. You are extraordinary." - Andrea Cremer

"Some are born with #GreatPersonality, some achieve #GreatPersonality, and some have #GreatPersonality thrust upon them in @ElizEulberg's novel" - Alexander London

I was so excited to have some of my favorite people/authors participate and then they turned it on me. Was TOTALLY feeling the love - right back at all of you! 

"Having a #GreatPersonality means writing an amazing book & promoting it in a positive way. @ElizEulberg has a #GreatPersonality." - Michael Northrop

"Having a #GreatPersonality gets you lots of hugs and high fives. Especially from @ElizEulberg" - John Corey Whaley

"During a group signing in NYC, I was hella-nervous, but @ElizEulbergwas kind, funny & made it all better. Now THAT's a #GreatPersonality." - Kim Harrington
"I was a shy noob & @ElizEulberg didn't have to be so nice, but she was. I will always appreciate that. Not just on #GreatPersonality day. :)" - Kim Harrington

"Reason #234 to have a #GreatPersonality  is you get to know people like @ElizEulberg who wrote REVENGE OF THE GIRL WITH THE GREAT PERSONALITY." - Alexander London

"You know who doesn't have a #GreatPersonality? Babycakes:  You know who DOES have a #GreatPersonality? @ElizEulberg." - Michelle Hodkin

My fab publisher, Scholastic, put together Great Personality tips from famous literary characters:

Anne Shirley: Stand up for yourself. Especially if someone calls you Carrots or misspells your name.

Mary Poppins: There's no such thing as a bag that's too big.

Lizzie Bennet: Say no sometimes. Especially to a man who has behaved particularly priggishly.

Lizzie Bennet, #2: Always admit it when you're wrong. First impressions AREN'T everything.

Hermoine Granger: You're always right. Don't let your friends forget it! 

Hermoine Granger, #2: You can be smart AND pack a punch. It's cool, don't worry.

Hermoine Granger, #3: Punctuality is next to godliness. And yes, you CAN be in two places at once.

Mia Thermopolis: Always give yourself enough time to get dressed. It's harder than you think.

I had to include one from Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality's Lexi: Don't settle. In live, in love, or for a silly crown when you're worth so much more.

Author Michael Northrop also got into the spirit and tweeted: "Luna Lovegood's #GreatPersonality tip: Reassure friends they're "just as sane" as you are. #evenwhenthatisnotveryreassuring" 

Great Personality tips from Girls' Life:

Strike up a convo with a quiet classmate

Promise 30 mins of QT to your little sis. You remember how to play Barbies, right?

Slip a sweet note into your bestie’s locker

Call your grandparents just to say hi

Bring two treats to lunch—one for you, and one for your crush

Sign up for club at school that gives back to your community

Sign up for your school’s talent show with your BFFs. Don’t be afraid to show off your silly side

Pick up your sick friend’s missed schoolwork and drop it off with thermos of her fave soup 

Try on every lipgloss at the makeup counter until you find one that makes you feel amazing

From Twitter friends:

"Charisma, attitude, call it what you want; #GreatPersonality it's the best weapon to face everything. Be proud and happy to have it." - Daniela Bermudez

"Great minds may think alike, but girls with a #GreatPersonality think for themselves." - Mary H.

"Being a girl w/ a #GreatPersonality is embracing who you are, quirks and all. It's what makes you awesome" - Caitie F

"A #GreatPersonality can make a 'normal' or 'ordinary' person really beautiful." - Kat Werner

"A #GreatPersonality means you are true to yourself without bringing others down." - M. Reynolds

"Not letting the behavior and opinions of others determine your self worth." - Suzanne Sullivan

"Don't try to be anyone but yourself but DO try to be the best YOU! You're one of a kind. Embrace it. Own it. " - Tonya Kuper

Of course, I had to get a few thoughts in as well!

Having a #GreatPersonality doesn't require expensive beauty products or trendy clothes, it's all about being your awesome self.

Beauty fades, trends change, but #GreatPersonality lives forever.

Having a #GreatPersonality is way better than being boring.

If someone tells you that you have a #GreatPersonality that means you're funny, clever, and amazing. Who WOULDN'T want that?

Tip for having a #GreatPersonality: Be true to yourself. You are awesome just the way you are.

Thank you so all who participated, especially my GREAT author friends. What a GREAT day!

 XOXO, Elizabeth