Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality e-cards!

Hello readers! I hope your spring is starting off on a shiny new track. I've been a bit under the weather since I got back from my vacation in Paris and London, but hey, I got to go to Paris and London so no complaints here!

As you may have seen on Twitter and Facebook, my publisher did these fabulous e-cards for Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality. I thought I'd put them all up in one place for you to see (and share - feel free to copy and put up wherever!). 



Pretty Girls

Dating Guide

(I wouldn't mind if there was a guide for Clueless Adult Girls!)

And my personal favorite (and my favorite chapter header):


Oh how much I laughed when I came up with that one. I crack myself up sometimes!

That's it for now! Hope you enjoy the e-cards (and the book!). 

XOXO, Elizabeth