I’d love to hear from you! Just know it may take me a bit to get back to you, since I’ll be working like crazy on my next novel (thanks, deadlines!). If you have a general question about publishing or are contacting me about another author, please visit my FAQ page.
Email if you have a question about me or my books. If you are a media person looking for a review copy of my books, please contact the publicity departments at Scholastic. If you are a teacher or librarian interested in hosting a visit with me, please check our my schools page.
I like real mail, too! (Who doesn’t?) You can send me a letter here:
Elizabeth Eulberg (author)
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
Be sure to also visit me on online!*
*Please note, I am ONLY on the profiles I link to on this account. I have deleted the bird account. Anybody on there claiming to be me is a fake profile.