2012 Reading Challenge: I DID IT!

Happy 2013, everybody! My new year's resolution for 2012 was to read 50 books in 2012...and it wasn't easy, but I did it! 50 books and I blogged about them all! Phew! I'm exhausted and I will NOT be making the same resolution this year. It's hard to get a lot of reading done when you're writing a book. I will say that I did learn a lot this year reading all these books (click on the 2012 Reading Challenge tag below to see all of the posts) and I think I'm a better writer for it. 

So here they are, the last six books I read! (Click on the title to learn more about the book!)


DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT by Sarah Mlynowski (coming March 2014, that's right 2014!)

Brag on me time! Sarah asked me if I'd be willing to read a draft of her YA novel coming in 2014. Um, YEAH! I don't want to give too much away since it's not coming out for over a year (and I'll be singing its praises a ton then), but I LOVED this book. It's funny, it's fast-paced, it's super original, and oh yeah, it's about a group of teens who get ESP! This book also made me so grateful that no one knows what goes on in my head. That's some scary stuff, people!


I was at Little, Brown when Sara's first novel, Story of a Girl, came out. I was immediately impressed with this debut author's writing and storytelling abilities. Fast forward nearly six years and three books later, Sara keeps getting better and better (how is that even possible?!?!?). How to Save a Life was thought-provoking, it was powerful, it was compelling, it was just plain awesome.

EVERYTHING CHANGES by Jonathan Tropper

I've been hearing about Jonathan Tropper's books for years, so a friend lent me Everything Changes. Halfway through the book I realized that, with the exception of Nick Hornby, I don't read contemporary fiction from male authors. Jonathan Tropper and his amazing book made me realize what I'm missing out on. So I'm adding his other books, and looking for similar male authors to my already insane to-read pile for 2013.

THIS IS WHAT HAPPY LOOKS LIKE by Jennifer E. Smith (coming April 2013)

Like pretty much the rest of the reading world, I adored Jen's The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, so I was especially excited to read this book. It did not disappoint. What always impresses me with Jen's books are the many different layers the story and characters have. There's always something unexpected, which makes reading her books so fun and rewarding. Plus, it has some hilarious lines, one which caused me to snort VERY LOUDLY in the Newark airport waiting area. Toward the end, I had a huge smile on my face, which is EXACTLY what happy looks like for me!

JUST KIDS by Patti Smith

My to-read pile is out of control, but what did I do before I went home for Christmas? Bought this book because I've heard so many wonderful things about it. I'm so glad I did. Smith's writing is beautiful and her memoir chronicling her relationship with the artist Robert Mapplethorpe was inspiring. I loved reading about the camaraderie of struggling artists at the Chelsea Hotel in the 70s. It really took you back to that time, and made me listen to her music and discover Mapplethorpe's photography. 


I've wanted to re-read this book for a really long time, so I promised myself that it would be the last book I read in 2012. I originally read this when I was in high school and I remembered being especially impressed by the voice and vivid personality that Salinger gave Holden Caulfield. All these years later, I'm even more taken with the voice and narrative. I see Holden Caulfield through adult eyes now and it moved me even more. With so many new books to read, I rarely re-read, but I know that I'll be revisiting this book again. And for those who haven't read it, do! Young adult books wouldn't be what they are today without this novel. 

I'm off to take a well-deserved nap... Did you stick to your 2012 resolution? 

XOXO, Elizabeth